
Back in the USSR

I'm back down in sunny so cal...for once. Ty and I were gone for about 3 weeks on a vaca. We drove clear up to his parent's house in Seattle from the far end of the U.S. of A. in one day! They invited us along for the somewhat annual trip out to the Washington coast along with the rest of the family. It was really neat- completely different from any coast I've ever been to before in my life. There isn't in rythm to the way the waves break, about 7 are breaking all at the same time, constantly. It was nice to relax.
After "The Ocean" we spent another week chilln' at Jim and Karen's (got our car fixed), then drove down to Angel's Camp, CA to meet up with my family for their "Lake Trip". We spent alot of time on the boat and checked out the old local mining towns. I had no problem getting up on a wakeboard and was FINALLY able to get up on a single ski!!! A little background- I've been trying to get up on a single for AGES! Good trips all around.
But as I said now we're back, roasting s'mores and eating chilli dogs. It's a good life.